This summer our Make Space Storage Winnipeg team delivered a container to the Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and Education Center, a non-profit organization that has a historic building on one of the busiest intersections in Winnipeg.

This organization helps new arrivals learn English, find housing, and assist with job placement. With the large increase in displaced Ukrainians coming to Manitoba, the center has run out of room for their English language classes and must renovate the old, dank, brick basement.

This container, rented at no charge to the organization, will support the challenging and important work of the center while they renovate.

Here is an excerpt from their thank you letter:

We extend our sincerest gratitude on behalf of the Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers at the Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre. Your support has been invaluable in enabling us to establish the Language and Creative Art School, which plays a vital role in assisting Ukrainian newcomers in their integration into the local community.

For nearly eight decades, Oseredok has dedicated itself to preserving and promoting Ukrainian culture, heritage, and history. Over time, our Centre has become one of North America’s most extensive collections of Ukrainian archives and artifacts. Your generous contribution is essential in preserving and promoting Ukrainian heritage and culture, ensuring its significance for present and future generations. Oseredok deeply values your support in this endeavour.

We are excited to continue supporting community organizations throughout Canada.

Do you know of a community organization that could benefit from a free or discounted container rental to further its mission? If so, please fill out our application at the bottom of our initiatives page.

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